Gods are mortal also
The attempt to link the future of art with conceptual symbolism is nothing more than a hypothesis, as well as philosophical theses of this direction. The creative principle of the Cro-Magnon and its absence in the Neanderthal can also speak about the direction of movement from the Beast to the Creator, but this movement is possible only as a result of directional selection. At the same time, one can find a lot of inconsistencies both in the versions of the origin of man and in his ideas about God, which it is desirable to reveal here by presenting a suitable point of view. However, it should also be understood that all conclusions and comments below are only hypothetical. The basis of these conclusions is simple logic and the principle of Occam's razor.
1. God (creator, creator, singular or plural) is an entity (or entities) of any origin that has an influence on the environment, much superior to human of that time. Obviously, this is a matter of knowledge and technology.
2. The life of God is much longer than human life. After all, a person's life is short. And there are many gods, but, as it said, where are they all?
3. God's capabilities are many times greater than human ones in planning. He is a master of multi-moves. Judging by the documents, His Fishing is unpredictable.
4. But God's influence on the environment has limits, his possibilities are not infinite. After all, a boundary in time means a boundary in space.
5. Probably, God is not able to predict highly complex systems and situations, such as the development of man and society, and is forced to conduct experiments. Otherwise, why one needs the experiments? Apparently, such complex programming is beyond the power of even God.
6. The dimensions of God and the possibility of his division are unknown. There are documents describing godlike entities of various sizes and forms.
7. According to information from documented sources мan is a product of animal modification (apparently with altered genetics), created by God initially for some purposes of his own.
8. Modern people (such as Cro-Magnon) are neither the first nor the final stage of God's creation. However, all other human variants are missing. There is no clear theory of the origin of man, but his kinship with the animal world is undeniable. So calld bottle neck of human evolution more seems to be a kind of artificial selection of human race.
9. God's actions or inactions are directed towards the fulfillment of his intended goal, while human interests are secondary. Unfortunately, a person is a by–product or a "thinking cutlet".
10. Actions of the God are possible only in compliance with the laws of eternity: God governs through chemistry, physics and mathematics.
Man is primitive and weak only against the background of a more powerful entity, whose power also fades in comparison with the next one - because there is no limit to perfection. Human society, being left to itself, has a certain dynamic however, like Brownian motion, it is chaotic and random, and the selection of participants with certain data is possible only with the application of an external force. The modern version of man also includes elements of creativity, but although it is possible to discern the features of the Creator in a modern person, these features may give way to some other in the person of tomorrow. And, since the creator's plan is complex enough, not to say incomprehensible, then any forecast is doubtfully probable.
Humanity is forced to live in the past, which is even its present, and suppose a common perspective on its experience. Unfortunately, it is impossible to calculate the specifics of the changes - without having a stable connection with the future, otherwise this specific can only be guessed by chance. As for the painting of Conceptual Symbolism and its artists, it is difficult to imagine that the parameters of art remain unchanged when the idea of the surrounding world changes. There are questions, such as exclusivity of perception or symbolism of paintings by Evgeny Gegouzin, which can and should be considered from the standpoint of the Creator, and not the Beast and his "traditional art" oriented mainly on the result and not on the idea. Various "interpreters" should be reminded of the English proverb "proof of pudding is in eating" - you won't know until you try.