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The real hutspa and the art of conceptual symbolism.

The few people who still want to compare the similar, looking for differences and the unlike, looking for similarities, will surely ask themselves the question of the peculiarity of the Jewish mentality and the role of the Jewish people in the history of mankind. In this regard, we would like to warn you that this essay expresses only our position, which, of course, we consider adequate, but which, can have both pro and contra points of view. By the way, it is time to warn those who like to dig into the historical mud: you will not find any big names or sensations in this work. Amicus Socrates, sed magis amica veritas. Socrates is dear to me – but the truth is dearer. And this truth, at least in our understanding, consists of the following ideas. It is believed that the basis of Jewish thinking is hutzpa – an unshakeable belief in one's own exclusivity and rightness. This quality, inherent in the Jews even before the period of "dispersion", may not be a narrow specific feature of the Jewish people, but it is quite regularly found in the Jewish environment, which makes us talk not only about the causes, but also about the consequences of this phenomenon. The hutzpa is seen as a consequence of the Covenant, the contract of the Jewish people – and every Jew - with God. It should be noted that the Jews do not have an intermediary in their communication with God, and the rabbi is only the person most knowledgeable in the relationship of a person with the Lord. Regarded from this point of view, conceptual symbolism in the visual arts is not only a visual representation of space, but also a method of cognition that is inaccessible to the uninitiated. This is exactly what the artist's hutzpa of conceptual symbolism consists of: this is how he sees the world around him. The hutzpa is most clearly manifested in Jesus Christ, and his confidence in his divine origin is the cornerstone of Christianity. The term hutzpa largely echoes the term passionarity, which is difficult to consider just in the context of national Jewish thinking, but for many people the word hutzpa, along with the mysteries of the Holocaust has not only a negative, but also a nationally oriented orientation.